Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Starting the year off right

Our watch night services for new year's eve were AWESOME!! Then we went to church on Sunday morning at the regular time for another incredible visit in the Lord's house.....and again on Sunday evening. It almost seems like if we haven't been at home to sleep we have been enjoying time with the Lord in His house lately. The preaching was really really good and right on target for what we needed to hear. Troy and I are both under very strong conviction about the things that we need to be doing right now and feel that we have some VERY clear direction from the Lord about some changes that we need to make in our home life. Neither one of us wants to risk becoming complacent or content with our lives but want to continue to strive to do more and be more for God's glory and to do His will in our lives. It is so wonderful to start off a new year knowing exactly where to start in making the changes in our lives that will honor our heavenly Father!!

We have also had the priviledge of getting to know some of our missionary families better and enjoyed some time to fellowship with them. My family really enjoys meeting those who are laboring in the field for the Lord. We always pray for our missionarys but to know them on a more personal level makes it so much easier for us to speak to the Lord with a heart that is full of brotherly love and concern and to understand their needs more clearly. One of the families that is with our church this week has three young sons who have answered the call to preach and Jared has surely been blessed to have been able to spend some time with other very young preachers. Taeler has really enjoyed spending time with other young girls her age too and she was able to spend the night at the church once to fellowship with the girls and had a ball.

Right before the new year's weekend I did finish reading the book "Created to Be His Help Meet" and was really blessed by it. I may have already mentioned that I was reading this book but it spoke to my heart in so many ways. Having been raised to be more of a liberal feminist type person this book really did make many many things more clear to me about God's will for women. I have so much correcting to do in my life and it really does help me tremendously to understand more clearly the roles that the Lord has given to us. I've never been the kind of person that anyone would consider "submissive" in any way shape or form, but since Troy got saved and we came here I have learned so much about why it is so important. When I look back at my life now I cringe at the thought of how bold and loud I have always lived and conversed day to day. I'm so happy that the Lord brought Troy and I here and gave us a good home church to learn and grow in so that we can raise the kids to be what the Lord would desire of them. There are so many things in our old lives that we wish we could take back or do over and the devil sure does take every opportunity to throw them in our faces and try to get us down. I'm just so thankful that the Lord has brought us here and given us this opportunity to give our lives to Him without reservation!

Hopefully soon I will get the chance to write a better post and describe things a bit more clearly but today my mind is tired and feels kind of "muddy" so this will have to do. I'm struggling to get more done around the house but have so far made great progress on my decluttering mission. May all of you have a wonderful and blessed day!!

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